Mixed feed additive sodium glutamate and microorganisms


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【Common name】Mixed feed additive sodium glutamate and microorganisms

【Dosage form】Additives


【Composition and Content】Patented Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, sodium glutamate, compound amino acids, vitamins, acid protease, glucose oxidase.

【Action and use】Enjoying appetite, promoting rumination, increasing weight and fattening quickly, increasing lean meat percentage, significantly improving body shape, and shortening the slaughter cycle.

【Usage and dosage】

1. Daily addition throughout the entire process, mix 600-800kg of concentrated feed per 1000g of this product evenly and use it.

2. For fattening cattle and sheep, 50 days before slaughter, mix 1000g of this product with 300-500kg of concentrated feed and use it evenly, achieving significant results.